Let’s be honest: Winter can be rough. The days get shorter, the nights get colder, you find yourself going to AND from work in darkness, and you’ve actually started to forget what the sun looks like (HINT: It’s that orange ball of sky-fire you never see anymore).
It’s no wonder 10-20% of Americans get the dreaded winter blues!
If you find yourself depressed this time of year, take heart. There are things that you can do! Diet, exercise, and supplements (borrrrrring) can all help with the winter bummers, but it turns out that surf camp could be your secret weapon for a seasonal spirit lift.
So if you feel like you’re living through your own Game of Thrones winter, check out these 5 ways a Tropical Surf/Yoga Retreat can help bring you back to life (Unless you’re Jon Snow. Then it’s debatable).
1. Increase Vitamin D, Of Course!
It’s science, guys! As light levels drop in the winter, so does Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the body maintain levels of serotonin, the magical hormone that elevates mood. Less Vitamin D, less serotonin, less happy, more Bummertown.
While supplements can help, experts say the absolute best way to increase Vitamin D is by letting those warm rays of sunlight fall naturally on your bare skin. (In a bikini. While sitting on the beach with your toes in the sand, sipping a mai tai, watching the sunset. Just sayin’– that extra stuff couldn’t hurt!).
2. Do what the Doctor Ordered: SURF
This ain’t a joke, y’all: doctors in Biarritz, France have initiated a wellness program prescribing surf lessons for patients suffering with illnesses ranging from anxiety to arthritis to chronic pain…and it’s WORKING.
Both psychological and physiological disease have been shown to benefit from cardiovascular exercise, but these doctors go even further to hypothesize that something about the sea itself is intrinsically healing. Bring on the salt water!
3. Promote Hatha Happiness
You’ve probably already read tons of Huffpost/Buzzfeed articles about how mindfulness, breathing, and meditation can de-stress and make you happier, because, well, IT’S TRUE. In the winter, everyone and our moms encourage us to focus on these practices to maintain wellness.
But have you ever thought about how a yogic vacation could re-charge your ability to live vibrantly through the winter, not just survive it? Think of it as filling up your life bucket to overflowing, so you have more to give!
Trust us, all that letting go can really help you to focus on your job, goals, and relationships with renewed passion and peace.
4. Get the Best Medicine: Laughter
I know, I know—it sounds cliche, but it’s true. How many times have you been brought out of the doldrums by a well-timed joke or good time with a friend? Now imagine having that kind of side-splitting laughter with new friends (In a bikini. While frolic-ing in the warm ocean. Sipping ice-cold juice from a coconut. Just sayin’ again).
For real though, there’s nothing like the shared experience of riding a wave for the first time to turn strangers into giddy, joyful, laughter-filled besties for life.
5. Detox Your Body, Detox Your Mind, Detox Your Soul, Detox Your Detox
It’s hard to be healthy in the winter months. Your body is screaming for warm comfort food, your main social time with friends is a happy hour, and you’re so darn busy that your idea of “fine cuisine” is putting take-out on a plate.
Maybe you feel sluggish from all the Christmas candy or New Year’s Eve champagne. Fear not! Tropical surf camp is the place to re-fresh your body with delicious, healthy, made-from-scratch smoothies, juices, and meals. And if you decide to indulge in some beachfront pina coladas and fried plantains, we’d support that, too.
What are you waiting for? Pura Vida Adventures has specials deals for surf/yoga camps in April and May. Check out our dates and come find your “happy and healthy” with us!