Happy New Year! It’s the time to make big plans, set exciting goals, leave behind bad habits, embrace new life purpose and… fail miserably?
::screeching record sound::
Yes, unfortunately, it’s true: the average New Year’s Resolution lasts only SEVENTEEN DAYS.
What? That’s only 2 and a half weeks of shooting for the stars and trying to make big life changes. Less than half a month of making your dreams come true. Merely .04% of an attempt for success. Worse than an F- grade for effort. OK, YOU GET THE PICTURE.
But here’s the thing: if you’re like most people, you don’t fail at your resolutions because you don’t have the drive, or the passion, or the desire. You fail because you don’t adequately set yourself up for success.
So, in honor of your important dreams and the bad-ass plans to achieve them, Pura Vida Adventures surf and yoga retreats presents you with:
I know, I know. It’s fun to plan BIG. We’re told to shoot for the stars, right? But who hasn’t told themselves on December 31st “I’m going to work out every day, 100% give up sugar, floss every night, and keep my manicure completely chip-less,” only to last 3 days and give up in exhaustion?
Being perfect is impossible, so it’s best to be the tortoise rather than the hare in your own story of success: start slow and small, with manageable goals that you can feel proud accomplishing, and go from there.
Don’t know how to reign in your ambition? Take some inspiration from the Japanese phrase “Kaizen” (or “change for better), which encourages a steady, incremental approach to life goals. Pick something you want to commit to doing EVERY day, and make it manageable enough that, shocker, you will ACTUALLY do it. Doing 5 push-ups a day or writing for 10 minutes might seem too small…until you realize that after a month you’ve done 150 push-ups and 5 hours of writing–WAY more than you would have completed had you set up unrealistically high goals.
Say it together now: Fun makes things feel easier, and Friends are fun. Whether your goal is to learn a language, rock some sick pack abs, complete a half triathlon, or learn to sew–finding a buddy who wants to join you for the ride can make all the difference.
Not only will a kick-ass companion keep you happy and motivated on your journey to success, but research shows that accountability actually CHANGES your brain to view your goals as an important priority. And, yup, you guessed it: this will make your commitment to your goal (and your future success) all the stronger.
Plus, friends will help you make sure your Costa Rica surf zinc is on point.
Ok, so technically this is a three-prong approach, but don’t feel overwhelmed. Think of this as the nitty gritty “nuts and bolts” of actually achieving your goals. The first step is to set a SUPER defined end-goal. Want to get stronger and build endurance? “Train for a half-marathon in March” is sure to be a more successful goal than a wishy-washy “Get into shape.” When you have an end-date and defined goal, then you can work backward to make sure you’re taking the steps NOW to make that future dream happen.
Wanting to sweeten the pot a bit? Pick out a super juicy reward that you’ll get to bask in once you complete your goal. Maybe it’s a massage, a new haircut, that fabulous purse you’ve been eyeing or a week-long getaway to our surf and yoga retreat in Costa Rica–whatever it is, make it something celebratory and fun that you’ll look forward to reveling in once you’ve hit your mark.
(* Psst: If you need some ideas, check out our end-of-year gift guide for some super cool surf treats!)
Once you’ve defined tangible dates and specific micro points for your big goal (ie: hit 5 miles by end of month 2), make sure you celebrate every step you make towards that goal.
Sure, it can be hard to get motivated when it’s raining out or your favorite show is on, but if you get into the habit of praising yourself for your commitment, your pride in yourself will grow along with your goals–and that’s the biggest motivator of all.
Bonus step: Give yourself thumbs up in the mirror every day. You won’t regret it.
We believe in you! Now go get those dreams!
P.S. Need inspiration? Looking for a new and exciting goal to set? Keep your eyes out for our February 28 Day Pop-Up Challenge, which will give you an opportunity to take small steps, find cool accountability buddies, AND win exciting surf and yoga retreat prizes!
Details to come in our Pura Vida Vibe newsletter, so if you haven’t already: SIGN UP HERE!